Success Story: 'I Was Made for More!'

By: : 12/11/2012


Meet Carley Cooper (username SPARKYCARLEY), a SparkPeople member who pledged to heal her body so she could heal her mind. Read on to learn about her inspirational journey! 

Click here to read the whole story.... 

My Favorite Positive Affirmations

Positive thinking has helped me greatly in the past.  I learned early on that thinking positive isn’t something that comes natural to everyone.  For some, we have to change our brain.  I started with positive affirmations written on index cards.  It didn’t take long and it started to work.  Here are some of my fave’s.
  1. Today is a very happy day.  I choose to rejoice
  2. I am confident
  3. I know I can depend on God to save me
  4. I am beautiful inside and outside
  5. I am worthy of love
  6. God loves me just as I am
  7. I have overcome all my trials in life, and will continue to do so with God’s help
  8. I am a positive thinker
  9. I am happy
  10. I am free of anger and resentment
  11. I forgive (person’s name who you want to forgive) for (the offense that they did / said to you)
  12. For singles:  I am fulfilled as a single woman / man
  13. I am at peace with my past
  14. I am sexy
  15. I love working out
  16. I am strong
  17. I will keep my faith in God for all my needs and desires
  18. I am independent
  19. I was made for more
  20. It’s OK to say ‘No’ to others requests when I feel they are crossing my personal boundaries

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NEW Website Launches

My NEW website. Please sign up to follow by email or RSS feed.  Carley Cooper... everything in one site!   Connect to the latest book news, blogs, and more!

Worship Melodies and Tin Roof Sundae sites will remain the same.  All book reviews have been moved to the new site, and will continue to be posted there in the future.  

Also, coming soon is the launch of another new website called Breaking the Window, which is about fighting stigma against Mental Health and Abuse issues.  If you are a professional in these fields and would like to write a Guest Author Post, or if you simply have a story to share, I encourage you to contact me.  I'd love to post your help or your story.  Sign up to follow by email or by RSS feed.  Thank you.  

Plus, if you haven't signed up to follow Worship Melodies blogs yet, please feel free to do so.  It's devotional messages based on my journey to God. He longs to have an intimate relationship with us. It's music to His ears when we worship him by 'singing His praises' even through our trials. I pray my Worship Melodies bring you blessings.

~~~~~ You have changed my sadness into a joyful dance; you have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy. So I will not be silent; I will single praise to you. Lord, you are my God; I will give you thanks forever. ~Ps 30:11-12 (GNT) 

Finally, I've just recently started writing as a blogger for the International Bipolar Foundation.  I am one of more than a dozen bloggers internationally.  I will post a blog, on average, about once per month.  Please follow at:


The End of the World Project

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I wrote a blog post a few days ago on my Worship Melodies site called ‘The End of the World Project’, which is a documentary film in the midst of being made as we speak.  The trailer video I posted was an incomplete version of the trailer.  One of my followers made the comment "That is one of the most intriguing video projects I've ever heard of. I'll be looking out for it...".   Here is the complete version.  There will be another few cuts uploaded soon plus 15 minutes of film.  I’m in the trailer!  How cool is that?  I’m excited about this film as such, but more importantly is that we are to remember God is in charge.  We have nothing to fear as long as we stay focused on Jesus. 

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10 Really Cool Things I Bought

1.  My Sony Walkman MP3 Player

2.  My HTC One X phone (and the cool case & cool beaded sticker on the back!  Yea.)

3.  My Lovebird - Chicklet (Little birdie.  Big attitude.  Who teaches them these things? LOL)

4.  OK.... I know this is kinda two in one.  LOL  This is Casey & Taco.  Taco was given to me by a friend.  I can't have dogs anymore, so they're both living with friends now, but I do get to see them now and then.)

5.  My laptop - Acer Aspire (I also have a Macbook that my brother gave me so I can learn how to use a Mac)

6.  My  Stereo.  It's old, but it still works beautifully, and I still love it.

7.  My Tractivity sensor for tracking my walking.  Click here to check out the deets or to purchase one.  It's got awesome features!

8.  My long-haired hamster - Oreo.  He's 10 weeks old.

9.  My tape dispenser - a ladies, red, high-heeled shoe!  Every woman deserves red high heels!

10.  My Bible.  God's Word - the coolest of them all!

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Is it Storage or Artwork?

I had a problem with not having enough storage space for my jewelry. I created these wall racks and I have storage and instant artwork too!
Frames with window screen stapled inside for hanging earrings. I wish I could take credit for the concept, but I did see this somewhere else.

 A tie rack, painted & decorated with stickers to hang larger necklaces. This one was my idea.

 A small key holder to hold my small necklaces.

So what do you think.  Is it storage, or is it artwork?  Leave your comments below.

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My Top Favorite Recording Artists & Bands

What kind of music do  you like to listen to?  These are my top favorite recording artists and bands.  They range in genre from Heavy Metal to Christian.  Here they are, in no particular order:
  1. Chris Blakley
  2. Gabe Salem
  3. Treneta Bowden
  4. Motley Crue
  5. AC / DC
  6. Jesus Culture
  7. Nickelback
  8. Gary Allan
  9. Tim McGraw
  10. Bon Jovi
  11. Guns ‘n Roses
  12. Joan Jett
  13. Third Strike
  14. Bob Seger
  15. Animal
I know, I know... Animal is not a singer, he’s a drummer... ehhh, OK, so he's not even a person, he's a muppet, but he’s soooooo cool!  What’s your favorites? 

Now It's Your Turn
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Stuff to Do Offline to Recharge

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Here are some ideas for things you can do to keep yourself occupied while regaining your strength from a high-stress period.
  1. Drop water balloons from my sixth floor apartment on to people walking below.
  2. Pluck feathers from Chicklet (my love bird) to add to the pile I have.  When I get enough I will make an art project.
  3. Pluck needles off my Asparagus Fern, listening closely for little screams of pain.
  4. Go to the library and switch around book jackets on the books.
  5. Go to a friend’s place; while I’m there go to the bathroom and mix bleach into their shampoo bottles.
  6. Go to the SPCA, to volunteer to walk dogs; while I’m there mix a little vodka into Fido’s water bowl / bottle.
  7. Go to a restaurant and Crazy-glue all the salt and pepper shakers to the tables.
  8. Go to my brother’s  house and put a drop of Crazy-glue on each key on his laptop.
  9. Go to my cousin’s house, and mix catnip into the current can of opened cat food in the refrigerator.
  10. Go to Pastor Henry’s house and sneak into his garage (AKA: his version of Heaven on Earth), and Crazy-glue all of his tools together in his tool box  (Just kidding, H; your tools are! Hehehe) 
OK, that was fun, but seriously... here are some things that I really do when I need recharging, when the world seems heavy, and I need a new perspective.  The best way to regain your strength is to have some alone time where you can collect your thoughts together and organize them without interference from loved ones, friends, pets, cell phones, Facebook, emails, or work.
  1. Writing (Books, Blogs, Journals)
  2. Listen to music (Worship music, in particular)
  3. Read (For me, reading takes me into a whole new world with different people, problems, and adventures; a world where I am not judged, criticized, or rejected.)
  4. Positive Affirmations (PA) - I have a stack of index cards with PAs written on them.  I also have a huge batch of JPG files (photos with PAs written on them).  I've put them on my Blackberry, so I have them to quickly flip through anytime I need them.
  5. Housework (I know, that doesn’t sound like downtime; but often working out hard, physically, helps me to recharge mentally and emotionally), or walking (including Power Walking workouts)
  6. Go to a movie with a friend
  7. Play with my pets 
  8. A hot bubble bath with a good book, or some soft music in the background
  9. Time away some place, or sit quietly in a room with just a candle or two lit; maybe a glass of wine
  10. Quiet time with God; Pray, Read the Bible, Devotionals
What do you do in your downtime to recharge?  Please share your ideas with everyone in the comment section below.

Now it’s Your Turn!

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We've Updated Our Address

Tin Roof Sundae has updated our URL - the address you type into your address bar to get here.  It is now:

Please update your bookmarks & share with your friends.  Blessings to you all, and thank you for the wonderful feedback and support.


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20 Lesson’s I Learned in Life

by Carley Cooper

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Lessons I’ve Learned in Life
  1. When you have to spell words, like W.A.L.K., it doesn’t take long and your dog knows what you’re saying.  Turns out, they're smart!   
  2. Arguing with God is not productive.
  3. God loves me.
  4. A scared little kitten has very sharp claws, and can draw a lot of blood.
  5. Putting a paper cup filled with coffee in the microwave is a bad idea.  Keep it in real cups people!
  6. God loves me.  Yea, I know i said that already; but it seems He finds it necessary to keep reminding me.
  7. I am stronger than I thought I was.
  8. Learning new stuff is fun.
  9. No matter how godly a man grows to be, he’s still a man; and ladies, we still can't strangle 'em!
  10. I don’t give myself enough credit for my good points. 
  11. Cheesecake is not the perfect food after all.
  12. God will drop something in front of you as many times as necessary; put you flat on your back to make you listen, or drop it on your head if that’s what it takes to get your attention and make you focus on Him. 
  13. Peace and happiness won’t happen in life until you FULLY repent, forgive, focus on Jesus, and allow Him to change your heart.  Till then you will have traumas, illness, disasters, arguments, relationship problems, money issues, and telemarketers in your life. 
  14. You never know for sure just how far you can go until you make that first step.
  15. You’re never a failure until you fail to keep going.
  16. I would rather go through a long difficult time and come out the other end knowing I pushed my way through it with my own strength, determination, blood, sweat and tears; than to take a short cut.
  17. The value of a good-support underwire bra is priceless.
  18. The only thing more scary than a future inside Bipolar Disorder, is a life without it and being ‘normal’. 
  19. God loves me, enough to change me, put up with me not matter what, and enough that He will never give up on me.  He doesn't change.  Ever!  The rules He started with, are still in effect today.  “I like it this way because it makes me feel comfortable”, will not mean anything when you stand with Jesus on Judgement Day before God, if it doesn't agree with His Word.
  20. If you want to go to Heaven, you have to have a real relationship with Jesus.  Today!  Waiting until you get there, will be too late.  He is as real in your life, home, relationships; as any other family member, and wants to be just as involved! 

Thoughts?  Questions?  Want to share your story?  Ask for prayer?  Please share in the comments section.
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Friends I Can’t Wait to Meet

by Carley Cooper

People I can’t wait to meet someday: 
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  1. Animal – (from the Muppets) ‘cause he’s just that cool!
  2. My Future Publisher – Hey, I gotta keep the faith going!
  3. My Next Doggie – Life is just not the same without daily canine kisses and a waggly tail greeting me at the door.  I’m already thinking about names.  Whatta ya think about ‘Joey’?  Cute, huh?!
  4. The Person Who Can Explain Men – On second thought, never mind.  That would require a saint.  I’m thinking that saints aren’t overly great in numbers these days.  It might be too hard to find one.  Then again, God is in the miracle business.  Maybe if I pray...
  5. The Wire-Hanger Ferry – I know you exist.  I keep taking all the wire hangers from my closets and dumping them; yet I open a closet door and voila!  There’s another one.  Dude, you’re fired.  Your services are no longer needed!
  6. The Guy Who Can End Telemarketing Calls – FYI for telemarketers; when I say “No” and you keep talking and you’re saying anything other than “Good bye”, you just shot any chance of making a sale!  
  7. Tigger – I want Tigger to come and live with me (As a single Christian woman, it would have to be strictly platonic though!)  I need the constant positive energy.  He’s just too  happy and too bouncy not to love!
  8. Idea Supplier – the Dude that has an endless supply of super-duper over-the-top awesome ideas for writing about... just for me and no one else!  Hey... God said to dream big and pray big!  So I am!  LOL
  9. My Future Husband – I know you’re worth the wait, but would you please hurry up and get here.  I really, really need you.
  10. Jesus - I know You’re worth the wait, but would You please hurry up and get here.  I really, really need You.

Books I Want to Write

by Carley Cooper

  1. All the Super Sexy Jesus Men I know  (Isn't it in the bible somewhere that sexy men shouldn't be preaching to women?  It’s just not fair!)
  2. How to Cook Bacon without Filling the House Full of Smoke (BTW... someone got some free time to teach me how to cook bacon?)
  3. What Would Happen if there Was No Chocolate (People would be depressed, no one would want to have sex, and the human race would die.  Chocolate is vital to our survival people!)
  4. Why Pizza is the Perfect Food  (‘Cause it just is.)
  5. Why Cheesecake is the Other Perfect Food (Hmmm... that’s a lot of food books.  I wonder if there’s a message in that for me?)
  6. Why Pointy Toe Shoes are Not Fashion (They are ugly and they are weapons!)
  7. The Truth Behind What’s Wrong with Men (‘Cause they’re insensitive, not too bright, and boys are yucky... shortest book in history.)
  8. How to be Single & Childless and Still Have a Working Brain (Believe it or not there are those who have opinions and a working imagination without ever having given birth.  OK, that’s my one rant book.  Gimme a break peeps, everyone has their limits.)
  9. The Ultimate Joke Book (Jokes I've Received from Ruthie in My Email)
  10. The Ultimate Joke Book, Part 2 (I love Ruthie soooo much, but sometimes I get a lot of email.  That’s OK, though.  Keep ‘em comin’ Babes.)

The Difference

Author Unknown
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I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day; I had so much to accomplish that I didn't have time to pray.

Problems just tumbled about me, and heavier came each task; "Why doesn't God help me?" I wondered.
He answered, "You didn't ask."

I wanted to see joy and beauty, but the day toiled on gray and bleak; I wondered why God didn't show me.
He said, "But you didn't seek."

I tried to come into God's presence; I used all my keys at the lock.
God gently and lovingly chided, "My child, you didn't knock."

I woke up early this morning and paused before entering the day; I had so much to accomplish that I had to take time to pray.